Support us with your Signature for the revision of the laws protecting children in the world, to ensure the validity and progressiveness of the rights of children globally

This Venezuelan non-governmental organization pro-defense of childhood rights and education, is dedicated to pushing forward assisting, advocating, promoting, protecting, and defending human rights for children around the world

Today we are leading a Global Campaign the human rights of children around the world to demand the UN for a discussion concerning the incumbent laws and protocols in the countries

November 20 is an important day as we celebrate “International Children's Day” and commemorate the anniversary of the adoption of the “Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child” (1959) and the approval of the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” (1989)


The implementation of the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” adopted on November 20, 1989, is mandatory for all countries that have signed it.


Countries created laws on protection, to comply with children's rights and the signed commitment. These laws that were drafted by non-specialist lawyers unfamiliar with special matters in the protection of children, leaving many legal gaps, which instead of protecting children, allows abuse and protects the aggressor; this is confirmed by:


-      Global increase in abuse and neglect in Latin America

-      Child abuse and cruel treatment

-      Forced labor

-      Child exploitation

-      Child sexual abuse

-      Child slavery

-      Child slavery in India

Thousands of children in Iraq eat garbage

Countries in conflicts in war 

In Yemen and Syria there are thousands of children victims of genocide

 In Ireland in 2010, JOSE LUIS URBANO, World Speaker against School Child Exploitation, as Leader, President, and Founder of the non-governmental organization “FUNDAPDEN”, promoted a global historic milestone awakening in Latin America by conducting the first virtual world congress on Human Rights in Child Protection, held on November 20, 2020, in which the participating countries of Venezuela, Colombia, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and the Dominican Republic, presented a proposal at their congresses with copy to the rapporteur of UN on children’s rights

The speakers were trained on the discipline of Human Rights in Child Protection, which served as analysis and research on the global problem of child protection, and lack thereof.


Hence it was determined that failures in the child protection system are due to:


1- The current legislation and laws on the protection of children, are based only on the regimen of coexistence, permits, travel for minors, and the claim of child support by parents, but at no time are sanctions imposed for those who violently, abuse and mistreat children


2. The laws on the protection of children established in different countries does not comply with international recommendations to ensure the protection of children


3. Early childhood protection institutions work with laws that are unfamiliar with the axes of protection, and lack the 5 actions that the law must take to protect children


4. Terms of protection, terminologies are not recognized and prohibited in the law that must care for and protect early childhood, recognized in international human rights, and prohibited. Such as child labor, forced labor, slavery, and different types of abuse, which are not prohibited and less sanctioned in child protection laws


5. The absence of a police force specializing in the protection of children and investigating the strange disappearances of children in all Latin American countries, allowing for the sale, and trafficking of children for prostitution


6. The non-existence of prosecutors specializing in human rights and child protection allows for the most horrendous violations of childhood protection


Urgent action is required, not speeches for the validity and progressiveness of children's rights, as the current laws are regressive and non-progressive, becoming the world's greatest violation in human rights

Support us with your signature

To urge Member States to ensure in the framework of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) compliance with each State's obligations Member here and to systematically study existing protection policies to combat all forms of violence against children and adolescents including trafficking

For the NGO ”FUNDAPDEN”, the experience gained in the nearly 20 years in defense of children's rights, international pioneers in education, training of human rights defenders of child protection, our HUMAN Rights Ambassadors “FUNDAPDEN”, contribute in different countries with their knowledge the revision of laws in protection for the validity and progressiveness of children's rights, in the different countries of the world to enforce Articles #4 and #19 of the “Convention on the Rights of Children”. Member States must comply with

Article #4:

“Member States shall take all administrative, legislative, and other measures to give effect to the rights recognized in this Convention. With regard to economic, social, and cultural rights, States parties shall take such measures to the fullest of the resources available to them, if necessary, within the framework of international cooperation.”

Article #19:

1-      Member States shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child against any form of physical or mental harm or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, ill-treatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while the child is under the custody of the parents, a legal representative, or any other person in his care”
2- “Such protective measures should include, as appropriate, effective procedures for the establishment of social programs in order to provide the necessary assistance to the child and those who care for him or her, as well as for other forms of prevention and for me to receive notification, referral to an institution, investigation, treatment and further observation of the cases described above of ill-treatment of the child and coma as appropriate, judicial intervention”

An important global children's human rights initiative will be supported by several world leaders from other continents who urgently support the revision of protocols and laws on child protection; there will be presentations on these topics.

 Signatures around the world will be presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council on November 19,  2021

 On the 19 th and 20th of November 2021, a Virtual Summit will be held; an event promoted by FUNDAPDEN for the human rights of children worldwide.

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